The Belhus Park Chapel Child Protection Policy was formally adopted at the 2009 Annual business Meeting. It includes the following Mission Statement:
“Belhus Park Chapel seeks to reach as many children and young people as possible with the gospel of Jesus Christ. This gospel mission is largely expressed through the work of Explorers, Campaigners, Noah’s Ark and the Holiday Club.
Throughout these meetings, and during the collection and transportation of children, their safety, protection and welfare is the first priority. It is the responsibility of all members of the chapel to attempt to prevent neglect and the physical, sexual and emotional abuse of children and young people.
In all of our contacts with children and young people we seek to operate under Biblical principles as outlined in Belhus Park Chapel’s Statement of Faith.
Christian standards of Godliness in behaviour, words and actions are applicable to all children’s and young people’s workers.
Children and young people are a valuable part of the church family. We will respect and listen to children and young people in contact with the Chapel.
Through the Lord Jesus Christ we are committed to nurturing them in their learning and worship of Him”
It is our practice that all auxiliary coordinators and leaders are CRB checked (now known as Disclosure and Barring Service….DBS) and a photo ID of all those involved in our youth work continues to be on display in the foyer.
Sandra Mallett is the Chapel’s Child Protection Coordinator.
October 2017