The Church has two Sunday services at 11.15am and 6.30pm. A time of communion is held weekly, usually following the morning service after a short interlude.
The services are a time of worship, praise and teaching with our Pastor Julian Rogers and visiting preachers bringing the Word each week. They are an opportunity for the Lord’s people to worship the Lord and be fed and encouraged spiritually, and for us to proclaim the amazing Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. The Church is open to everyone and all are welcome no matter what their walk of life.
We seek to treat Sunday as a special day for the Lord and recognise that families are important. Our morning service on the first Sunday of the month is dedicated as a ‘Family Service’, with a time for praise and a shorter evangelistic message using visual aids in our desire to reach young and old with the straightforward truths of the Word.
We also hold a shorter (45 minute) “Discovery Service” followed by hot food on the third Sunday evening of the month. Again, using visual aids, the intent of the service is evangelistic, as we seek to reach as many as possible with the life-changing message of the Lord Jesus Christ.
All our Church services are intended, in a welcoming environment, to challenge and provoke everyone to think more about the things of God. We warmly invite you to join us.